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Medication Compliance: What It Is and How to Achieve It

Medication compliance. It’s a term that pharmacists, doctors, and other healthcare providers use frequently, but it may be unfamiliar to many patients. The International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR) defines medication compliance as “the act of taking medication on schedule or taking medication as prescribed, to achieve the desired health benefit (i.e., following a healthcare professional's advice).”1

When a patient takes their medication as prescribed, it allows their health care team to assess how well the medication is working and if any changes or adjustments should be made. In turn, patients can achieve optimal health outcomes from the medication they are taking.

However, taking medications as prescribed isn’t always as easy as it sounds in theory. When life gets busy or medication regimens get too complicated, compliance can be hard to maintain. According to the National Library of Medicine, “seventy-five percent of Americans have trouble taking their medicine as directed. Estimates are that approximately 125,000 deaths per year in the United States are due to medication nonadherence and that 33% to 69% of medication-related hospital admissions are due to poor adherence.”2

To maximize the benefits of your medication and mitigate the potentially life-threatening side effects of noncompliance, talk to your local pharmacy about the following services:

Medication Reviews

The benefits of one-on-one medication reviews with a healthcare provider can’t be understated. VMDA Regina M. Benjamin, 18th U.S. surgeon general from 2009 to 2013, writes “as a family physician in rural Alabama, I often treated patients whose primary reason for taking their medications incorrectly was not understanding the instructions. Proper medication adherence starts with conversations.”2

During a medication review, a patient will meet with their pharmacist to discuss the medications they have been prescribed, how to take their meds properly, and how to avoid negative side effects and drug interactions. It is recommended that patients who take more than four medications schedule an annual medication review.


Medication delivery makes it easier for patients to acquire their medications, especially patients who may have mobility issues or live in rural areas. Delivery is also a viable option for patients who may not be compliant because they are deterred by long waits at the pharmacy or bad weather. Many independent pharmacies offer free local delivery to homes or offices, which cuts down on patient trips to the pharmacy and ensures that they receive their refills on the time.

Your local pharmacy team is dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal health outcomes through improved medication compliance. We do this by providing services that make it easier for patients to acquire their prescriptions, organize their meds, and manage and understand their regimens. If you have any questions about the ways that your pharmacy can help you stick to your medication routine, prevent the dangers of noncompliance, and take the stress out of managing your health, give us a call or stop by today!


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